minimum solution

美 [ˈmɪnɪməm səˈluːʃn]英 [ˈmɪnɪməm səˈluːʃn]
  • 网络最小解;极小解
minimum solutionminimum solution
  1. Discussion for the minimum solution to Fuzzy relation equation


  2. However , at the same time the algorithm is poor in local search ability , easy to fall into local minimum solution and defective in its theory .


  3. Logarithm Diagram of Free Ligand 's Distribution Coefficient and Minimum solution pH value of Spectrophotometry


  4. The optimized Elman network can avoid the convergence speed and getting into local minimum solution and other defects to the full .


  5. After attribute reduction and rule reduction , the minimum solution of decision rules can be obtained . These rules can be used to realize for the low frequency sampling signals enhancement .


  6. Using radial base function nervous network ( RBFNN ) as the soft determination model for pour point of gas oil has great advantages of rapid study rate , no local minimum solution etc. .


  7. The model is divided into two parts , for some linear function , with the transport element method to give the minimum solution , while for non-linear part , with heuristic optimization solution through the line .


  8. As we know , a problem can be transformed into an equivalent convex problem , so we just need to use the algorithm which can find a local minimum solution to get the final global optimal solution .


  9. A DSP minimum system solution is proposed according to the Real - Time simulation results .


  10. A Direct Demonstration to Consistency of Slip Line Solution with Minimum Upper-Bound Solution


  11. We also give the minimum expense solution about the city communicating network with node weight and edge weight .


  12. Based on the minimum energy solution of shear angle , the cutting forces in orthogonal machining are predicted theoretically in this paper .


  13. Then , using the inequality of information theory , the paper directly proved that the minimum cross-entropy solution is exactly the dual geometric programming solution .


  14. Besides , line-flow constraint avoided thus far in classical coordination equations is handled here by the application of minimum norm solution .


  15. Furthermore , the results were applied to the relative inverse eigenvalue problem , and the minimum norm solution for the inverse eigenvalue problem was presented .


  16. Properties such as existence , uniqueness and idempotency of the developed method are demonstrated and a necessary and sufficient condition of the minimum distance solution is also investigated .


  17. Compared to traditional multiple-view reconstruction methods , our method obtained an accurate minimum case solution , can be used wider as we reconstructed the 3D object without vanishing points or lines .


  18. In the test stage , the sensing matrix is projected onto the test vector , and the minimum l0-norm solution is computed with Orthogonal Matching Pursuit ( OMP ) algorithm .


  19. Based on a minimum norm solution , this approach applies SECA to the multiple sub-regions of the solution space obtained , and then FOCUSS is utilized to further focalize the solution .


  20. According to the nature of the inverse problems , the minimum norm solution was improved on the basis of algorithm analysis , and a new objective function was established . The regularization technique was employed to stabilize the numerical solution .


  21. The proposed method directly converts joint precoding and decoding to beamforming problem , and utilizes the unique deterministic minimum norm solution as the precoding matrix , and then precoding and decoding matrix for every user can be got iteratively .


  22. An Iterative Method for Minimum - Norm Solution of Symmetric Singular Linear Equations


  23. At a minimum , the solution design should address whether connections with the service are local or remote or both .


  24. In the technique the minimum least square solution of vibration equations is used to estimate the FRFs . Thus , the singularity in the measurement under multiple sinusoids exciting is avoided .


  25. Studies show that the initial hardness of blank will meet the minimum when the solution softening treatment process for heating at1100 ℃ for30minutes , followed by stirring cooling in salt solution .


  26. The study mainly includes : 1 . Discuss the minimum upper boundary solution of the support counter-force of the circular bi-tunnel parallel build in linear elastic medium by the limit analysis upper bound law , and study the relevant parameters by Matlab . 2 .


  27. The specification identifies the resin compound to be used and stipulates minimum resin content , solution viscosities , and physical performance qualities .


  28. How ensure the efficiency and security of communication so as to the minimum expenses , the solution of prevailing is to utilize such public networks as Internet , etc. to set up VPN .


  29. The discrete dipole model was firstly established , then the Minimum Norm Least Square Solution ( MNLSS ) of measurement equation was obtained by solving general inverse matrix , which standed for the distribution of forces of the dipole .


  30. So neural network is effective . The BP neural network is improved by integrating an error distribution function ( EDF ), a momentum factor and combined transfer functions so as to overcome local minimum problems and to find the global minimum solution and greatly accelerate the convergence speed .
